Welcome to MemeDB!

MemeDB is a massive database of memes. Memes are indexed and metadata is crowd-sourced so that any meme you can think of should be searchable!

Login with Discord

You can browse the site freely without an account and, by linking your Discord account with MemeDB, you can make changes and form your own collection of favourites!

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Vote on memes

Vote on memes and watch the best memes rise to the top! If no one upvotes a meme, it is deleted.

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Contribute your knowledge

Edit memes by adding descriptions, transcribing what you can read and hear, categorizing and tagging memes so that anyone looking for any meme will be able to find it!

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Reunite with old friends

Search for any meme you're looking for and watch memes preserved on MemeDB appear before your eyes!

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This site is still a work in progress. Reporting and User account settings aren't yet fully functional.